Where I would be this weekend if I could be two places at once …
This weekend, I’ll be in Birmingham, AL, speaking to the good people of the SPAFER center. I’m really looking forward to it!
But if I weren’t going to be in Birmingham, I’d be in New York City, participating in the People’s Climate March on Sunday. If you’re anywhere near New York City, I hope you’ll be part of it. My brilliant friend Stephen Phelps explains why in this brief article – perhaps the best single explanation of why so many of us care so deeply about global warming. Quotable:
The fact of climate change makes real conservatives of all who are not blind. Like thoughtless children, we stormed downstairs and, in a single century, burst open all the packages of the sun’s energy so compactly wrapped and stored beneath the forests for three billion years. No wonder it’s getting hot as hell! True, we had no idea what we were doing — but that is the thing so basic to human nature of which the old conservatives were so sensible: our will is blind and cannot be trusted lightly. Now, as we pull our heads out of the sand of self-interest and look squarely at what we have done, we consider the whole Earth — how everything is connected to everything.
That means liberal and conservative, too. We share one reality, one earth, each touching a core truth, a core beauty, and God knows, the eagle needs two wings to fly.