For a limited time, buy both e-books for $9.99!
Why Don’t They Get It? Overcoming Bias in Others (and Yourself)
The Second Pandemic: Authoritarianism and Your Future
Through his work as a public theologian, Brian D. McLaren sees authoritarianism as the second pandemic of the 21st Century. He believes its impact could be even more deadly if we don’t take it seriously, starting now. Like COVID-19, it spreads rapidly and is especially harmful to people with certain pre-existing conditions. Also like COVID-19, it spreads from person to person and from group to group. The Second Pandemic: Authoritarianism and Your Future summarizes research on authoritarianism in simple terms and helps you prepare yourself, not just for your own protection, but also so that you can help others prepare too.
This e-book is the basis for the podcast series Learning How to See. If you’re a teacher, pastor, activist, community organizer, public servant, political candidate, writer, public speaker, blogger, or social media user, and you’d like to better understand why it’s so challenging to open minds and hearts to new ideas, this e-book is for you. It will help you understand why the human brain resists challenging new truths and what to do to guide your needed messages around the most common obstacles to understanding and action.
The Seventh Story: Us, Them, and the End of Violence is an e-book for adults that includes a parable and essays by Gareth Higgins and Brian D. McLaren.
The Seventh Story: Us, Them, and the End of Violence is available now for $9.99.
This 50-page e-book was originally planned as a chapter in The Secret Message of Jesus, and has been adapted to read as a stand-alone exploration of the question: “Is Jesus the Only Way?”
In addition to writing books, Brian is a songwriter. These are songs Brian has written for congregational singing, reflecting themes from his book The Great Spiritual Migration. The download of MP3s includes a PDF with lyrics, chords, etc. For progressive Christian worship music from Brian and other songwriters, also see The Convergence Music Project.
In The Great Spiritual Migration, Brian McLaren talks about an “integral/literary” approach to Scripture. This is the audio of two weekend retreats Brian led, giving people a reintroduction to the Bible from this perspective. Part 1: The Hebrew Scriptures, Part 2: The Gospels. Great for pastors/preachers, Bible study leaders, seminarians, and all students of the Bible. Downloads in MP3 format – great for listening from your smartphone, in your car, while exercising, etc.
In The Great Spiritual Migration, Brian McLaren talks about an “integral/literary” approach to Scripture. This is the audio of two weekend retreats Brian led, giving people a reintroduction to the Bible from this perspective. Part 3: Acts of the Apostles, Part 4: The Epistles and Revelation. Great for pastors/preachers, Bible study leaders, seminarians, and all students of the Bible. Downloads in MP3 format – great for listening from your smartphone, in your car, while exercising, etc.
This is a 40+ series of 20-minute podcasts that give an overview of the Bible. A shorter version of the Reading the Bible Afresh series. Great for pastors/preachers, Bible study leaders, seminarians, and all students of the Bible. Downloads in MP3 format – great for listening from your smartphone, in your car, while exercising, etc.
Songs for a Revolution of Hope: These 16 songs can be adapted for congregational/youth group/retreat/summer camp singing, and they reflect themes from Brian’s book Everything Must Change.