A (not-yet) reader writes: condemnation, apology, recommendation
A not-yet reader writes:
I felt it on my heart to send you this note. It is not a note of condemnation but a note asking for your forgiveness.
I know it may seem strange, as I have never met you or have spoken to you. The only contact I ever had was one comment I posted on your blog.
It was a message that summarizing the commonly held doctrines and dogmas of modern day religion. Looking back, it was very inappropriate and very self- righteous of me to post such a comment. In the last year the Lord, in his mercy, has answered a prayer of mine. That prayer was a deep desire in which I have asked Him to allow me to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. This was the only desire of my heart. This has resulted in my eyes being opened to the ways and means of modern religion and the goings on within the denominations. I am now in the process of being taught by Him through his word and I am unlearning what I have been “told” all of these years. Every day is filled with a new revelation. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. J
To summarize, I wanted to tell you that I apologize to you for any condemnation I may have felt about your work in my heart, as uninformed as I was. I now empathize with your walk and what you must go through on a day to day basis. My walk on this path is just beginning but I am thankful for it each and every day. I wish you the best Brian and was wondering if you have a recommendation, from your body of work, which book would be a good starting point.
Thanks for your note. I seldom receive apologies like this, and when I do, they touch me deeply and are not forgotten. Thank you. As for a recommendation, since you’re paying special attention to the Bible and how it challenges “modern religion” and its “goings on,” I’d highly recommend my new book, We Make the Road by Walking. If you wanted a shorter recommendation, it would be Secret Message of Jesus. If you wanted something more theological, it would be A New Kind of Christianity. And if you want some encouragement on your own search, I’d recommend my New Kind of Christian trilogy, all of which you can read about here. I hope we meet in person some day soon. Thanks again for writing. Of course, all is forgiven.