More on the Tar Sands Action, Aug 20 – Sep 3
Bill McKibben writes (building on an earlier post – see
Two of the most frequent questions we’ve received as we prepare for this action are “Can I get a ride?” and “Where can I find a place to stay?”
Unfortunately, we’re not working with the same kind of money our opponents are, and we can’t offer anything like the fancy hotels or luxury car service that they no doubt provide.
But we are building a grassroots movement, and one thing that grassroots movements do well is take care of each other, and we can do this our way instead. To help make sure everyone can get to the action, we’ve set up a ride and housing board on our site, where you can post offers or requests for housing and transportation.
If you would like a ride or place to stay – or have space or a ride to offer – you can let folks know by clicking here: and then posting a comment on the page.
D.C.-area folks, we need your help in particular. If you can share space in your home with some of our friends traveling from around the country, please take a moment to make a post – I know there are many people making travel plans now who would really appreciate it.
Thank you for all of your help bringing this action together.