A reader writes: for the sake of our children and generations to follow
A reader writes:
I just want to send you a short note to thank you for all you do in the name of Jesus. My husband enjoys your writing and agrees with what you preach and he introduced me to some of your books. I read “The Great Spiritual Migration” and am half-way through “A New Kind of Christianity.” You mentioned in your book that you have many critics. Let me just say that I am not one of them, but rather an advocate of the gospel message about which you preach and write. My husband and I recently left our church of almost 20 years because of the evolution of the changing of our hearts and understanding of what Christianity is all about. We could no longer attend a church which focuses on legalism, biblical literalism, exclusivity (like who goes to heaven vs. hell), sin management, and condemning the LGBTQ. We are grateful to God that we’ve found a church that preaches God’s message of unconditional love, grace, acceptance/inclusivity, transformation through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and the kingdom of God hear and now.It’s a blessing to know that we are not alone in our different way of interpreting the bible and living out our faith as Christians.
We hope and pray, for the sake of our children and the generations to follow, that more and more Christians will explore their faith beyond what is so commonly preached and taught in churches and spoke about in Christian circles (that being the Greco-Roman biblical narrative that you frequently refer to in your book) and be bold in Him and share/voice their different interpretations of the bible and different views/perspectives of what being a Christian is all about. I believe that if people had a more open mind to the eternal possibilities of who God is, that would draw more people to Him and not away from Him, that more and more of God’s children/creation would choose to live in Christ, a life more abundant, liberating, joy-filled, and peaceful, and would strive to be the people that God created and intended them to be.
May God continue to bless you and your callings in Christ,
Thanks for this encouraging note, sister. I’m so glad you found a new church home.
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