Q & R: who’s doing it? what are the stories?

Here’s the Q:
blockquote>Thank you for your work. I have recently started getting into it and appreciate your heart and insight. 2 questions

You have a section in the back that is practical on church implementation. My question is whose doing it? Which churches around our nation have made the shift from a modern to post modern narrative?
Also you speak of the 2 primary stories being told in the US but mention there are 4 or 5 prevailing stories in the world. What are the others not mentioned in the book?

Here’s the R:
The good news is that lots of churches across denominations are moving in this direction. It’s not a simple thing when you have an existing constituency, some of whom are chomping at the bit and others who are digging in their heels. Some of us are working on ways to help people find these churches … or to let these churches make themselves known. Right now, it’s often a matter of asking around … visiting … asking a pastor if he or she likes the work of certain writers. Sometimes websites make it clear. But so far, it’s still hard for people and churches that are seeking to practice “a new kind of Christianity” to find each other.
As for the other stories … one of the early chapters in my upcoming book gives a brief summary of some of the primary stories people are living by. In a talk I give (that might become a short book someday), I talk about seven narratives –

1. Domination narrative – we’re only safe if we’re in control
2. Revolution narrative – we’re not safe until they’re no longer in control
3. Purification narrative – we’re not safe until we deal with that unclean minority
4. Competition narrative – we’re not safe until we have a huge surplus and advantage in terms of money, land, weapons, etc.
5. Victimization narrative – we’re not safe until our victimizers acknowledge the wrong they’ve done to us
6. Isolation narrative – we’re not safe unless we withdraw into an elite enclave.
7. Reconciliation narrative – the only real safety comes from reconciling with God and one another, coming into just and peaceful relationship.

Once you sensitize yourself to these narratives, you don’t listen to the news, read a headline, or listen to political campaigning in the same way anymore.
I hope that helps!