A Reader Writes: I’m More In Love with Everything
Hello! I just devoured A New Kind of Christian and am in the process of going through my notes and re-reading. Amazing! Life-changing and just at the right time in my life and, as I’m sure you know, in the current pandemic culture and racial unrest, it couldn’t be more relevant. I’m a reformed Apostle/Disciple now!! … No action needed, just a random chance to send an email and say thank you for having the courage to write, study, minister, etc. I’m now more in love with everything and am excited for the future!!! Can not wait to meet you someday …
Thanks for these encouraging words. I love that phrase … “more in love with everything.” Perfect.
You may already know this, but that book is the first of a trilogy. You can find Part 2 (The Story We Find Ourselves In) here, and Part 3 (The Last Word and the Word After That) here.