The “H” Word/Worth Reading

Certain communities of Christians like to lob the “A” word (apostasy, not adultery) and the “H” bomb (heresy) quite a bit. (Their unspoken and unquestioned assumption, of course, is that they are themselves beacons and defenders of the “O” word[orthodoxy], which is a tough job for an elite few, but somebody’s got to do it. But that’s another story.) There’s been a fascinating employment of the “h-bomb” going on over at Associated Baptist Press. In fact, some good PhD’s could be earned studying the rhetoric of inquisition in contemporary Evangelical debate in the blogosphere. Miguel de la Torre’s response here is insightful and well worth reading.
Speaking of worth reading … Diana Butler Bass’s A People’s History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story is now available. What a tremendous book. Don’t miss it.