From South africa

I’m a Youth Pastor in South Africa. Just wanted to write a quick note and say that I am ever so greatful for your writing, your guts to go public with concepts that are difficult for many people to deal with. On the other hand there are so many people who are so relieved to find some alternative ways to think about the Christianity that has been sold to us for so long. And to find that your theology is actually incredibly biblically faithful. I mean that in the way of respecting the Bible more for what it is meant to be. In my humble opinion. ; )
I found your book “A new kind of Christianity” a very useful resource and am suggesting it to many people who seem to be on the same kind of journey, asking the same kind of questions. God seems to be bringing many of them across my way. I am even going to suggest the book to a very good friend of mine who doesn’t believe in God, but in “Good”. Not to ‘convert’ her, but to comfort her to know that not all Christians are fundamentalistic and narrow minded. This friend of mine is a professor in journalism and conclusively is very critical and questioning about everything about life. I find this a positive attribute, but it is unfortunate that she found that she had to leave the church because she was prohibited to ask her questions. I have also suggested it to one of the Confirmees in my church, since he is battling with the traditional (though very Greek philosophical) answers which has been forced onto him. Also I have found that you have helped me to phrase so well what I have been intuitively feeling might be true. For that I am ever grateful.
Gosh, this letter is turning out to be not a quick note after all. Sorry!

Thanks so much for writing. And thanks for sharing the books. An author has no way of getting his/her message out apart from readers who are helped by the books and spread the word. Baie Danke!