Countdown Day 8

The new book releases a week from tomorrow! If you haven’t checked out the Thinkfwd video interview with Spencer Burke, you can watch it here or here. (You’ll find a lot of other great stuff at both sites, and I’ll have a new channel at starting next week… I hope you’ll consider subscribing.) Here’s today’s quote:

In fact, during the exile, the dream of a peace-making kingdom becomes even more radical and all-encompassing. It now finds expression less in the language of land or space and more in terms of a day or a time. It morphs from a promised land to a promised time, the Day of the Lord, when oppressors will be overthrown, when corruption and infidelity will be replaced by virtue and integrity, and when the blessing, justice, and shalom of God flow like a river and fill the earth as waters fill the oceans. (59)

From A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith (available February 9, 2010)
“Very rarely a book appears that houses the power to change a generation. A New Kind of Christianity is nothing less than one of those moments.”‘ (-Peter Rollins, Ikon)