The Evangelical and Catholic wings of the religious right, together with Republican political extremists and powerful corporate elites, have created an emergency in our country.
Right at the moment we most need to care for our environment, they’re denying science and rolling back environmental protections.
Instead of helping us find strength in racial and religious diversity, they’re fueling an ugly resurgence of division, fear, and prejudice that threatens minorities and undermines the common good.
They’re attacking the free press, covering up corruption, and spreading misinformation.
And to make matters worse, instead of helping poor and middle class people, they’re channeling even more wealth toward the richest of the super-rich.
This isn’t just a fire drill. The house is on fire and it is time for progressive Christians to come together as never before, not just to complain, but to conspire and collaborate … for the sake of the planet, for the sake of the poor, for the sake of peace, and for the sake of vulnerable people everywhere.
That’s why I’m working with a highly competent and committed team of progressive Christian leaders to form the Convergence Leadership Project.
Here’s the big idea:
The Problem: Many of our churches and denominations, like our country at large, are polarized and paralyzed. They have to walk on eggshells for fear of offending conservative members including major donors who openly or tacitly support this ugly, fearful resurgence of white Christian nationalism.
The Solution: Fortunately, there are growing numbers of individuals and congregations that are tired of walking on eggshells. They’re fired up and ready to move forward. Many are from Mainline Protestant denominations. Many are from historic Black churches and other ethnic minority congregations, and some are from the historic Peace Church tradition. Growing numbers are progressive or post-Evangelicals, or are part of forward-leaning Catholic fellowships and organizations.
To help these people and congregations find each other, dream together, and learn and work together, the Convergence Leadership Project is being launched:
to train you and thousands of others like you
to be vibrant spiritual activists
in a growing, multi-denominational movement
of just and generous Christianity.
This progressive Christian movement can be a vital partner in the larger multi-faith movement for peace, justice, ecological responsibility, and inclusion for all.
Because the challenge is so great, we need you and thousands like you to get involved.
As part of the Convergence Leadership Project:
You’ll have access to live, in-person events along with 24/7 online learning, so you can become a stronger, more confident, more energized leader.
If you’re a pastor, we’ll help you approach key lay leaders so you can begin to build momentum as a congregation dedicated to spiritual activism. If you’re a lay leader, we’ll help you approach your pastor. We’ll give you suggested scripts that you can use or adapt to find the best way forward.
We’ll help you get senior citizens, young people, families, and even kids involved, because spiritual activism includes everybody and we need all hands on deck.
Once you are building momentum within your congregation, we’ll help you discover a peer group of fellow Christian activists from around your region and across the country.
The cost is affordable, and we’re developing full and partial scholarships for minorities, seminarians, and church planters.
Lay leaders will be eligible to receive a Certificate in Christian Leadership, and pastors may fold this training into degree programs in cooperating seminaries.
Most important, we will work together, pray together, and grow together, living out the teaching and example of Jesus in this critical moment in history. I hope you’ll join me as part of the Convergence Leadership Project. Go to to learn more and take your first steps in getting involved.