A Request for Help
Readers of my books and blog know that I am a movement person.
On this blog, in my speaking, and in my books I get behind a wide array of organizations, causes, and projects that I sense are moving in the same general direction. My great sense of calling has been, and continues to be, to contribute to a broad-based movement that embodies a Christ-like ethos and leads to Christ-like action for the good of the world.
Grace and I recently decided to make a significant financial investment in building some behind-the-scenes support structures for this movement to take its next steps.
I think the time is ripe.
I’m looking for some people to join in this initiative.
Let me be clear: I’m not asking for money for myself. Grace and I both work hard and we cover our own expenses. Our desire is to give and seek others to join us in giving.
What I’m looking for is a team of partners to join me in a generous and strategic impulse.
If you believe in the kinds of things I write, say, and do, and would like to join me in making a significant financial investment over the next three years – to help a broad-based, diverse, and deep Christian movement rise to the next level, I am hoping we can come together in a joint project.
You might be able to give in the four, five, six, or seven figures. Or you might know a person, foundation, or other donor who can. Or you might be willing to start giving a smaller amount on a regular basis for the long term.
At a later date, I’ll be asking for people who can help with skills … but first, we need some people who can put together some funds.
If you are open to explore this further (no pressure or obligation, of course), I hope you’ll contact me at this email address:
I’ll be back in touch with more information within a few days. (Of course, I’ll keep your contact information confidential and it won’t be sold or given to anybody else.)
Thanks for considering this request for help and passing/forwarding/tweeting it on to others who you believe might be able and happy to help.
Warmly and gratefully,