Why No Comments, cont’d

Another reader asked this valid question …

Here’s the Q:

I’m thankful for Brian’s emphasis on a holistic mission that is not narrowly reduced to saving souls or so. A positive engagement with culture and social issues is more to be welcomed in our day. I think he well reminds us of that, and we should be thankful and welcome many of his insights.
As a side note, I’ve been reading and searching through Brian’s blog, and I must confess I’m a bit puzzled as to why he has no sort of open space for people to post comments–let alone for leaving feedback.
I consider that a leader such as him–influential as he is in many quarters–should be (?)accountable/open to a broader conversation with the wider church. Many people only read his books, having no other source, insight, input, or point of contrast. (I know some individuals in my congregation who exalt him to heights he himself would not want to be elevated). But that is not precisely my point, but to acknowledge the problem of fostering/nurturing narrow and skewed individuals who see things only from one point of view–in a flat, one-dimensional perspective. True historical Christianity, it seems to me, is marked by an openes to the whole body of Christ (past and present), in conversation, in dialogue, in openness, in humility to accept other points of view and, hopefully, in willingness to be corrected by others who also love God and are equally loved by him. In that way, we are kept afar from the ever-present danger of becoming closed in our views, and, ultimately, myopic–two aspects our society certainly does not cherish.
Anyways, just some thoughts from a follower of Christ. I’d certainly would like to hear what you think.

R: Thanks for this note. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read what I wrote on this question a few days ago …
But I appreciate your question and want to add this. Please be assured that I am engaged in constant conversation, dialogue, etc., in person, by email, in other print media, and online as well. (I recently posted a video of one such encounter in person.) Many of my blog posts (including this one) are dedicated to responding to questions like yours that come in. Each new book I write reflects what I have learned in responding to readers of my previous books. In all these venues I try to model the openness, humility, and willingness to be corrected that you mention – although, no doubt, I stumble at times, as do we all.
Again, I tried to explain my reasons for not making an open comments section the primary venue for that kind of interaction in the previous response … I hope that makes sense.