When Fossil Fuels Become Dinosaurs …
All of us who care about protecting God’s beautiful creation envision a day when dirty energy is left buried in our past. Here’s a sign … from a coal executive in a coal producing state … that tells us the tide is turning. Quotable:
“With or without the Clean Power Plan, the economics of alternatives to fossil-based fuels are making inroads in the utility plan,” Patton said. “Companies are making decisions today where they are moving away from coal-fired generation.”
What’s more, the debate over the “war on coal,” which sucks up so much of the political air in West Virginia, has largely been settled in other states, Patton said.
He said 72 percent of Americans believe the earth is getting warmer and that man-made causes are partly attributable. Nearly two-thirds of Americans favor stricter emissions limits on greenhouse gases, Patton said, with even larger majorities among young people.
“Americans believe there is a problem, and while we in West Virginia believe that’s ludicrous and we have our view on coal, it’s really important to understand, if you’re not in a coal-producing state, your affinity for coal is not there,” Patton said. “The debate largely, at this point in time, has been lost.”
Patton reminded the audience that the closest the United States ever came to a carbon tax was the cap-and-trade bill pushed by Sens. Joe Lieberman and John McCain. “I don’t see John McCain as a flaming liberal,” Patton said.
– See more at: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/article/20151027/GZ01/151029546/1419#sthash.XYjC3eqW.dpuf