Two Evangelicals on Refugees

Two of the most gracious and wise Evangelical Christians I’ve ever met are speaking out on the Syrian refugee crisis.
Jeff Burns here. Quotable:

I have been studying the Bible all my life. I have a bachelors degree in Pastoral Studies and Philosophy, a Masters of Divinity, and an earned doctorate that I completed in 2013. I was an Evangelical minister for 18 years. I am familiar with this wonderful book called the Bible. As an Evangelical I was taught that the Bible was to be read through the centrality of Christ’s teaching, but as I look at the political landscape of Christians both on the Right and the Left I am convinced that if Jesus ran for public office and declared his domestic and foreign policies we would destroy him in the media as a dreamer and idealist. We would probably declare that his message is not relevant to American life today.

Lynne Hybels, here. Quotable:

Pray a simple prayer: God, what is mine to do? None of us can do everything, but we can all do something — big or small, according to what we’ve been given. And if we all do something, we can change the stories being lived out across deserts and oceans, at country borders and in the hearts of men, women and children just like us.
More than borders, I think it’s been hearts that have been closed to the suffering masses seeking refuge. But a photograph of one small child opened a crack in millions of uninformed or hardened hearts. As one who believes that we are all part of the same human family, I pray that the gates of our hearts will continue to open — like never before.