This week …

I leave in a few minutes for a busy week on the road speaking to college students, Christian community organizers (!), pastors, and seminarians. First, to Indiana, then to Ohio, then to Florida (I know, this sounds like a political tour to contested states in the election, but it’s not!), then to Chicago. (Details are available on my schedule page here on the site.)
I’ve been hoping to put up at least one more post on my reasons for being an enthusiastic supporter of Barack Obama for president, but that may have to wait until next week. In the meantime, I think it’s interesting to note that General Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama, based largely on the idea of needing a transformational leader who represents generational change, resonates very much with what I wrote in my first post, available here. If you haven’t checked out the Matthew 25 site on the election, take a look now.
Grace and I took a long walk around our neighborhood on Sunday, just enjoying the amazing fall colors … part of God’s annual display of tree-art. If you’re stuck indoors, here’s a link to some beautiful photos of God’s animal-art show … thanks to Jason Clark for the link. These beautiful October days in God’s beautiful world have me humming the old hymn “How Great Thou Art.”