The songs you sang yesterday in worship …

… were deeply meaningful to some people. But others cringed, and others felt oversaturation in some areas and a vacuum in others. This is the second note I’ve received recently relating to the need for new songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. I wrote about this in the past – you can download the article here.
I’m still pondering how, practically speaking, we can take action in response to pleas like this one:

I’m a Lutheran pastor with nearly twenty-five years in the parish.
Some time ago, you were a featured speaker at an event (along with Richard Rohr). I attended this event with a colleague.
I’ve read several of your books, and I’m just a few pages away from finishing “A New Kind of Christianity.” I’m thankful that you have the ability to put on paper what I’ve been struggling with for years.
Of all the books that you’ve written, this one has been the most helpful to me. Some of what you mention I learned in seminary, long ago. However, when I got to the parish, there wasn’t an environment to support that teaching. We would still recite the Creeds, sing the songs, and focus on one kind of atonement.
Obviously, I also learned some very helpful, “new” things from your book. I’m so thankful! …”Constitutional Christianity” combined with the “six line Greco-Roman framework” has given me a great deal to chew on!
In 2009, my wife and I attempted to write a hymn. It’s close to completion, but still needs a little more work. We took on this venture in order to write a patriotic hymn that we could actually sing without cringing. I believe it has some good theology, but I also think it may not go far enough — the words that speak of the Church and its current “markers.”
In “A New Kind of Christianity,” you call for people to create new hymns, creeds, liturgies, etc. I’m wondering if you, and others, could do more to make this happen? Folks held a couple of gatherings in Nicaea some time back and agreed upon words that expressed their beliefs. Why not do this again? Do we rely upon individuals in the lawn of grass roots to sprout loosely and “fill in” eventually — or can this be a more deliberate and concerted effort by laying down some solid sod? I wonder if the latter could be “the ticket?”
Just a thought.
Blessings to you and your work!

As we ponder more comprehensive responses, I’m hoping can be of some help.