The news has been really depressing lately … EVEN SO!
While a zealot faction our own US Congress threatens to damage our economy in ways that terrorists never could, reinforcing the old adage that “we have found the enemy and he is us,” and while this pathetic political theatre distracts us from a whole range of other problems – the unsustainability, for example, of our extractive, fossil-fuel-based, corporatist-militarist economy, or our indefensible, irresponsible, nearly unbelievable failure to address energy policy and climate change, or the absurd scapegoating of Muslim folks and gay folks while reality makes clear how our own political elite can bring us to the brink of default without any outside help, like a slow-motion car crash in full view of the whole world …
Even so, the irrepressible goodness of life continues to defy all odds, and stands as a plumbline of sanity against which our moral bass-awkwardness is shown for what it is. For me, that goodness is manifest in the fact that, starting tomorrow, I get to hang out for a few days with both of my granddaughters (and their wonderful parents) at the same time. So in honor of grand-babies everywhere, and as an act of joyful defiance against the dark gravity of democratic entropy … here’s a good-natured blast from the Sesame-Street past: