Thanks, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship!

In my travels around the country and the world, many of the most creative, dedicated, generous, hard-working, and humble people I meet are Baptists. They’re serving the poor and needy. They’re welcoming refugees and making room at the table for people rejected by others. They’re emerging from a history of patriarchy and grappling with full equality for women and LGBTQ people. They’re launching micro-enterprise projects, creating beloved community for people who live outdoors, extending health care to underserved people, and more.

That’s the spirit I encountered this week speaking at CBF’s General Assembly and 25th anniversary. It was an honor to be invited to speak. I promised folks I would make my slides available, so here they are, below.

If people are interested in more information on the Doctrine of Discovery, I encourage you to see the work of Mark Charles, and stay tuned for his upcoming 2018 book (with Professor Soong-Chan Rah) on the subject.

If people are interested in seeing what I’m doing to help churches and church leaders engage with the issues I addressed, check out Convergence Leadership Project. And for more on the importance of songs and worship in the spiritual movement we need, see Convergence Music Project. 

cbf mclaren plenary atlanta

cbf mclaren workshop atlanta