Summer Reading Options …

So you’re planning to pack up the minvan or mini cooper in the next couple weeks and head to the beach, lake, river, mountains, big city, or elsewhere. And you’re thinking, “Maybe I’ll read one of Brian McLaren’s books. Which one?” Here are some suggestions.
___If you want to read my newest and perhaps most significant (and controversial) book, try
A New Kind of Christianity.
___If you want to read a book that relates faith to contemporary global issues, it would be …
Everything Must Change
___If you’d like to read a novel (it’s either educational fiction or creative nonfiction, you pick), try one of my trilogy:
A New Kind of Christian
The Story We Find Ourselves In
The Last Word and the Word After That
If you’re a fast reader, you might pick up all three.
___If you want a pretty fast read, try
The Secret Message of Jesus
More Ready Than You Realize
___If you’re looking for something of a more spiritual-formation nature, it would be
Finding Our Way Again
(Next summer, my yet-to-be-titled book on spiritual practices for the pre-, post-, non-, or minimally religious should be available.)
___If you’re just searching for faith and a spiritual life, not sure where to begin …
Finding Faith, part 1 (A search for what makes sense)
Finding Faith, part 2 (A search for what is real)
And finally, if you’ve got a long drive ahead of you, or if you’re planning the legendary cross-country road trip, you can download 51 podcasts, about twenty-minutes long each, that give an overview of the Bible …
Hope that helps!