Readers write: chopping a path through the woods
I think there is a rumor that you are on sabbatical right now. You have come to our mind and been part of our conversations many times over the last little while. We thought it was high time to send you the note of encouragement we keep wanting to send. It’s a simple message…. and that is that we are very grateful for the work you are doing in chopping a path through the woods for folks like ourselves who are in a place of grief when we see the current political climate in the United States, the exclusion of our LGBT brothers and sisters in fellowship, or the hateful rhetoric spoken against friends of other faiths who are teaching us so much about what it means to trust God. Thank you for your bravery in embracing people who are seen as a threat to the culture of “Christianity.” It helps us to feel less alone, knowing that you are quietly standing in the place of love, rather than fear.
Thanks, friends. We’re all in this together! If you’re looking for kindred spirits, check out:
We’re not alone!