Q & R: Using New Kind of Christianity for a group study
Here’s the Q:
I am currently leading a small group discussion on A New Kind of Christianity. I’m using the downloadable discussion guide as a resource, and I find that it’s been very thought-provoking for our group.
he question has come up as to whether its necessary to study the whole book, in sequence. Some of the 10 questions are going to end up being more important (to us) than some of the others. It looks like we could take the first five questions in series, and then pick and choose from the final five as standalone issues for discussion.
What are your thoughts? I’m sure your initial reaction will be to ‘read the whole book’, but is it truly that inter-linked?
Thanks, and thanks for writing these inspiring books.
Here’s the R:
I think you have a good plan. It’s a good ideato work on the first five questions together – but then, for the second five, you can pick and choose in whatever order makes sense for you.