Q & R: Study Guide for NKOCy

Here’s the Q:

First let me tell you how much I enjoyed reading A New Kind of Christianity. For the past couple of years I’ve made sure to read one book each year, Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis. It’s been good to remind myself of many of the things he talks about in that; it’s good for my soul. Now I have a second book to add that I’ll be reading each year: A New Kind of Christianity. Thanks for such a great work!
I’ve been blessed to be asked to lead a book group at my church on A New Kind of Christianity, and I was wondering if you were planning on developing any kind of study guide/discussion questions to go along with it. If you are, I’d love to pilot it for you and report potential issues, concerns, etc. raised from my group.
For now, here’s what I was planning on doing: I was thinking of giving the group members some some questions about how they view things now (i.e. “What is the gospel?”) before they read the chapters. Then, as they read, I’ll have them write what you say about those things, and what they think about what you say. Hopefully that will lead to some good dialogue, which, as you say, is really the point, right?
Blessings on you, your work, and your family. Peace,

Here’s the R:
I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the book, and thanks for your kind words. There’s a free study guide available here in pdf format … Thanks for writing!