Q & R: Newbigin

Here’s the Q:

Thanks for all your writings, both books and blogs, as well as the few responses to e-mails that I’ve sent. Often in your books and most recently in your blog posted (1/25/11) Original Sin and Responsibility, you mention Lesslie Newbigin. Where would be the best place to begin with his works to expand on what you’ve touched on in this blog post? Thanks a million!

Here’s the R:

Great question. Most people would refer you to Foolishness to the Greeks or The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, both of which are great. But the two books of Newbigin’s that had the biggest impact on me were The Open Secret and A Proper Confidence. That’s where I’d start. But then there are The Light Has Come, Truth to Tell, and … you get the idea.
A great place to learn more about theology in the tradition of Newbigin (and Barth, Bosch, and others) is http://gocn.org/