Q & R: Jesus’ scars?

Here’s the Q:

I have recently been wrestling with this question and would love to hear you speak to it: What does it mean that the resurrected Jesus still has scars? I am not satisfied (and I suspect you would not be either) with the simple answer of ‘proof for the disciples’.
Thank you so much for your thoughts.

Here’s the R:
Nobody has ever asked me this question before, and I’ve found it fascinating and meaningful to ponder it for a few days. Thanks for asking.
One of the most audacious claims of the Christian faith is this: God suffers with us. God is not above suffering. God is not removed from it. In Christ, we come to believe that God is with us … in our suffering as human beings. So Jesus’ scars tell us that human pain – all of it, every tear ever cried, I believe – has left its mark on God. God empathizes. Our pain is God’s pain. With that as background, the beautiful image in Revelation comes to mind … God wipes the tears from our eyes, not as someone who isn’t touched by our pain, or as someone who only understands from a distance. God comforts us as a fellow sufferer … we might even say as a fellow survivor.