Q & R: Is Jesus the Only Way? (John 14:6)

Here’s the Q:
I have been listening to some of your talks on YouTube, and i love the part about the sentence before I Cor 13 and the first part of the sentence in I Cor 14. Many people have as a stumbling block the verse where Jesus says that “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father but thru me… If Jesus is Love, than reading that verse doesn’t make it about being in the “right” religion, but rather everyone comes to know the Father thru love (your step 4 — loving your neighbor, loving yourself, loving creation, then loving God as you know Him because you have seen His face throughout).
Thank you for what you are writing and saying!
Here’s the R:
Thanks for your encouraging words. You’ll find these ideas expanded in the first third of The Great Spiritual Migration.
Also, you might enjoy the short e-book I wrote called “Is Jesus the Only Way?” It’s only $3.99 and you’ll find it right here.