Q & R: electronic versions of my books …
A would-be-reader asked:
I’ve been trying to buy your book in electronic format.
It is available through Sony and through Amazon. However, both of these services are not available outside the united states.
Is there anywhere else those of us who do not have the privilage to live in the USA can get this electronicly.
I have an eReader and would like to read it on this as opposed to as “dead tree book”.
Let me know ASAP (today??).
I’m sorry you’re having this frustration. This is something we’re working on with my future books – to be sure this sort of thing is facilitated from the start. With my older books, I think they’ll eventually become available in a variety of digital formats outside the US, but since I’m not a million-seller, it will happen gradually. I wish I could speed up the process somehow! Please accept my apologies and shared disappointment.