Q & R: 2 questions about WMTRBW

Here’s the first Q:

Our church is excitedly anticipating the release of your new book, We Make the Road by Walking.
We are deeply engaged in creating a new approach to faith formation, not just for youth but for all members of your congregation, and think that your book might be an excellent resource. In fact, our Small Groups planning team intends to discuss the possibility of using it as a study resource with the entire congregation, perhaps even purchasing a copy for each family (about 70 households).
We have a couple of questions that you may be able to help us with as we head into a major planning meeting later this week.
First, is there a way of previewing a sample chapter and the discussion questions that accompany it? The table of contents and the other information we’ve seen is helpful, but having a slightly bigger picture would really help us to determine how we can best use this resource.

Yes. Even better – you can preview the preface, introduction, and first three chapters here:
Here’s the 2nd Q:

The second question is this: do you think that your book would be suitable for intergenerational study? We aim to forge deeper connections between congregants of all ages as they share their faith stories and grow spiritually. If you have any recommendations or suggestions to share, we would be delighted to hear them!
We’ve recently discovered Faith Forward and have been deeply inspired by the reading we have done about new directions in youth ministry. We are very excited by the potential this research has to transform traditional, often ineffective approaches to youth ministry, and are excited to hear what new ideas come out of the upcoming conference in Nashville.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. We deeply appreciate any answers and suggestions you may be able to provide.

Yes. You’ll notice when you read the “Engage” questions that there is always a question especially for children. And I tried to construct the questions so that they would be accessible to a wide range of people, whatever their age or background. My hope is that groups will include children and youth, all the way up to seniors. In Appendix I (available for download here) that there are a number of suggestions for including children and youth. Obviously, there’s a huge difference between a three-year-old and an eleven-year-old, so they will engage at different levels. But I believe our faith communities should be the places in our culture where children are treated with more respect and inclusion than anyplace else.