New York City folks – great opportunity!
My friend Dave Andrews, Aussie author and activist, will be in Brooklyn this Thursday 12 March, 7 – 10 pm, meeting with the emergent cohort and radical community folks … and anyone who’d like to come.
Radical Living NYC (, an intentional community in Bed-Sty Brooklyn, will host the evening and house Dave overnight in their hospitality room.
Jason Storbakken, one of the founders of Radical Living, offers these details: “The conversation with Dave will be at the Marcy House (622 Marcy Avenue, corner of Hart Street). Take the G train to Myrtle-Willoughby, cross the street and walk three blocks down Marcy Avenue. Enter through the gate and walk up the stairs. The door should be open. If not, call me at 212-444-2701. People are welcome to bring a dish/refreshments, but the main dish will be provided.” For more info, check out:
Martin Wroe of Greenbelt describes Dave like this: “I like to think of Dave Andrews as a… weirdy, beardy, proverbially wise-old, kind-old, be-slippered, fire-sided, snoozy, fearless, story-telling, grand-fatherly, rugged, tribal-leader.’