Lots of great stuff …
On women, religion, and Jim Henderson (!) – in the Washington Post.
On atonement theories and Rene Girard – Tony Jones offers a fantastic short summary of key concepts, here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/tonyjones/2012/03/07/a-better-atonement-the-lastscapegoat/
My recent podcast at Beyond the Box …
and Facebook discussion here:
Speaking of Facebook, we’re in the process of updating and combining my two Facebook pages. If you’ve never “liked” my page, I hope you will:
Interested in a sustainable faith? I’m really looking forward to this conference in April in Florida:
And this one in DC on kids and youth in May:
And finally, if you want to add your voice to those of fasting farmworkers seeking a fair wage in Florida, go here: