Links …

A quick note from Little Rock, Arkansas, where I’ve received a warm welcome and gracious southern hospitality …
Nicholas Kristof gives an important update on dialogue within Islam about the Koran that corresponds to important dialogue happening in the Christian community about the Bible …

Muslim fundamentalists damage Islam far more than any number of Danish cartoonists ever could, for it’s inevitably the extremists who capture the world’s attention. But there is the beginning of an intellectual reform movement in the Islamic world…

If you haven’t heard about the Texas-sized island of trash floating in the Pacific, check this out …
Cathleen Falsani talks about one of my favorite musicians, Bruce Cockburn, at the Sojo blog …
Speaking of favorite musicians, Dave Wilcox and Nance Petit joined us in North Carolina last week at the sacred activism conference and Kanuga … Dave was kind enough to play a song from Open Hand, his new CD.
Also at Kanuga was David Korten, brilliant economist/thinker/activist whom I quoted prodigiously in Everything Must Change. I’m reading his new book on the economic crisis … really worth reading. I hope to post more on it in the weeks ahead.