links roundup

Here’s something I wrote about my indebtedness to Walter Brueggemann. I’ve been thinking about that debt as I’m working on my upcoming book that should be published about a year from today. The title will be A Table, a Bible, Some Food, Some Friends: 52 Experiments in Spiritual (Re)Formation. It’s an overview of the Bible and an introduction (or catechesis) to the Christian faith. It reflects Brueggemann’s influence on many levels.
Like a lot of people, I’ve been pretty disappointed with the US Congress for quite a while now. It’s unlikely they’ll get much done of value this year … but it’s possible they’ll do something positive on Immigration Reform if enough of us speak up in a variety of ways. The Evangelical Immigration Table is mobilizing people in needed directions – learn more here:
Christine Sine posts thoughtfully and helpfully (as always) about yoga and Christian practice here. People interested in this intersection should check out a project I completed recently with my friend Suzanne Jackson. More information here:
Some friends in Santa Fe are working on solar energy and energy democracy … by watching the accompanying video, you help them get a grant – and you learn something valuable.
There’s some important new work being done on the Christian teaching of the Trinity. Check out this book on worship and the Trinity (to which I contributed) … and this new resource from Cynthia Bourgeault (which I endorsed).
Some cool musical developments from South Africa (HT GC):
Also from Africa – an excellent article by a friend of mine from Ethiopia:
And in gratuitous turtle news (HT GS) …