Links Roundup

My friend Kester Brewin‘s book Other is now available in the US …
A reminder to folks in Dallas – hope to see you at the end of the month:
And West Coast folks (and students everywhere) – check out the tremendous lineup at Soularize, in San Diego, October 6 – 8. These folks know how to throw a learning party!
I always appreciate the trends information from Quotable:
“23% of all the things (goods and services) made since the birth of Christ have been made in the last ten years.” As world population heads to 7 billion (next month) and then 8 billion (by 2025), we’ll probably be able to say that half of all things ever made were made “in this century” in 2025.
“28% of all the people who have lived since the birth of Christ have lived in the last 100 years. Half of all the people who have ever turned 80 are still alive.” Half of all the people to ever turn 60 will still be alive in 2025. Source: TomorrowToday and The Economist.
Want to add your name to a beautiful call for environmental responsibility? Sign the Interfaith Declaration here:

Here’s a worthy documentary project deserving support –
Here’s a new book I contributed to: