Friends in Connecticut and New York City area
I don’t get to the Big Apple area nearly as often as I’d like, which is why I’m especially glad to have a chance to connect with folks this weekend. On Sunday morning I’ll be speaking at Christ Church in Greenwich, CT. Then on Sunday afternoon (1:30 – 4:30), I’ll be leading a workshop on the Bible.
How do we read the Bible in today’s world? We’ve seen the Bible (ab)used to justify slavery, racism, violence, oppression of women, harsh treatment of gay people, anti-semitism, ecological irresponsibility, etc. What can we learn from those mistakes? How can we let the Bible’s message shape and empower us constructively and hopefully? What assumptions do we bring to the Bible that we need to question – and what questions should we bring to the Bible each time we open it?
I’ll be giving some short introductory talks, but the bulk of the three-hour afternoon workshop will be experiential. I’ll guide you through some reflections and interactions with the Bible, digging deep into several fascinating passages. If you’ve never cracked open a Bible, if you’ve feel you’ve kind of OD’ed on the Bible and it’s all become familiar and “same-old same-old,” if you love and enjoy the Bible but are aware that there are new approaches being explored, or if you are suspicious of the Bible and maybe even bothered by it, I think you’ll find this an inspirational and educational way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
You can get more information and download the flyer here. I hope I’ll see you this weekend!