Everything Must Change Release Note


Readers’ Guide: A Note from the Author

I’m thrilled to report that the first edition of Everything Must Change is available from Thomas Nelson. I hope you’ll get a copy and jump in as soon as possible.
Before you read:
Most people get more out of a book when they read intentionally – when they plunge into a book aggressively looking for something they want or need to know. I’d suggest you launch into this book with primary questions like these in mind:
1. What can I learn from this book about how the world works?
2. What can I learn from this book about Jesus and his message?
3. What can I learn from this book about my life – ways that I have been “conformed to this world” and now need to become a constructive nonconformist?
Here are some secondary questions that could also help you engage with EMC as a conscious, intentional reader:
1. What in this book do I agree with and believe, and what do I disagree with and doubt?
2. Who would enjoy or benefit from reading this book and dialoguing about it with me?
3. So what? What difference will this book make in how I think, pray, read, worship, shop, discard, plan, vote, work, play, rest, dream, and live?
At the end of each chapter, you can respond to the Group Dialogue Questions on your own, of course, but I encourage you to join a reader’s group at gather.com or other online networking sites, or better yet, to create a reading group in your own neighborhood or faith community.
In spite of the best efforts of author, editors, and proofreaders, a few typos and mistakes always seem to betray our pursuit of editorial perfection. As we find substantive mistakes (click here if you find one not listed here), we’ll add them to this list, and they’ll be corrected in future editions.
1. At the bottom of page 1, the website should be brianmclaren.net.
18. The first sentence should read, “It was May 2004.”
302. Chapter 3 note 2: should be “Gabriel Salguero.”
305. Note 13 – URL should be “… peaceplan.htm.”
307. Note 8 – should be “Gary Haugen.”
310. Chapter 12 note 1, change to, “Recalling the puzzle lid image
from the previous chapter …”
323. Note 5 – drop dollar signs in front of “3 or 4 billion”
324. Note 8 at bottom, change “ambata.org” to “tradeasone.org.”
The purpose of this book, in the long run, is to encourage people to faith and action, which in turn can make seemingly impossible change not only possible, but inevitable. Thanks for your help in spreading the message of Everything Must Change.
Brian McLaren

Follow-up Reading:
Here are some of the books that I believe would most strongly compliment a reading of EMC, listed under each crisis. Some of these books hadn’t been published when I was writing EMC, which explains why a few aren’t referenced in the text. There are so many excellent books that it’s hard to limit a list like this to thirty or so, but here’s a go:
Prosperity Dysfunction: The Crisis of the Planet
Deep Economy, Bill McKibbin
Beyond Growth, Herman Daly
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, Leonardo Boff
Lost Mountain, Eric Reece
Serve God, Save the Planet, Matthew Sleeth
Equity Dysfunction: The Crisis of Poverty
The Moral Measure of the Economy, Chuck Collins and Mary Wright
The End of Poverty, Jeffrey Sachs
A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Ruby Payne
High Noon, J. F. Rischard
Justice in the ‘Burbs, Will and Lisa Samson
The Real Wealth of Nations, Riane Eisler
The Great Turning, David Korten
Security: The Crisis of Peace
Beyond Gandhi, David Cortwright
War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, Chris Hedges
One Church Many Tribes, Richard Twiss
Living in Color, Randy Woodley
Gracism, David Anderson
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid, Jimmy Carter
The Beloved Community, Charles Marsh
Spirituality: The Crisis of Purpose
Hope in Troubled Times, Goudzewaard, Vander Vennen, Van Heemst
Colossians Remixed, Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat
Lost Message of Jesus, Steve Chalke and Alan Mann
Christianity and the Social Crisis in the 21st Century, Paul and Walter Rauschenbusch
God and Empire, Dominic Crossan
The Powers That Be, Walter Wink
The Great Awakening (coming soon) and God’s Politics, Jim Wallis
The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne
They Walked in the Spirit, Douglas Strong