Encouraging signs …
On Christian-Muslim relations …
Rick Warren gets it right in calling for a Christian-Muslim coalition for the common good here.
On Nuclear Disarmament …
Faithful Security reports …
The Joint Understanding for the START Follow-on Treaty signed by President Obama and President Medvedev on July 6, 2009 commits the United States and Russia to “reduce their strategic warheads to a range of 1500-1675, and their strategic delivery systems to a range of 500-1100.” Of course, negotiators for both sides still have to work out the details and draft the treaty, hopefully to be signed by the end of the year when the START I agreement expires. The follow-on agreement will contain the rigorous inspection regime.
While the agreement, to be implemented in seven years, represents a modest step in nuclear arms reduction, it is a significant step toward the goal of a nuclear weapon free world. The leaders at the G 8 Summit meeting in L’Aquila, Italy, released a statement that called for: moving toward a world without nuclear weapons, strengthening the nonproliferation treaty and securing nuclear weapons and materials from terrorists. While in L’Aquila President Obama formally announced his plan to host a Global Nuclear Security Summit in March 2010. The Global Nuclear Security Summit will likely involve up to 30 countries and will address the risks posed by nuclear terrorism, the safety of nuclear stockpiles and atomic smuggling.
Blessings from the staff of Faithful Security.
Among Episcopalians …
There’s a good vibe here in Anaheim at the Episcopal General Convention. My friend Sarah Dylan Breuer (who was just elected to the Executive Council, by the way) said it well in an article in the Center Aisle newsletter here:
“Three years ago, the tension was palpable, and emotions ran high. Some testified in tears, the pace was frenzied, and fear – perhaps even panic – was in the air and in many voices, both pro and con. Two days ago, debate was calm and reasoned on both sides, and observers noted that members of the House seemed to be listening to one another deeply and prayerfully.”