“deep down inside me i had an enemy, not a friend”
It means a lot to receive encouragement like this …
For a couple years now we have had a group that meets on Sunday evenings for dinner and study. Feeling like we needed to go in a new direction the group decided to read and discuss your book, ANKOC. A couple of new people decided to join the group as a result. We are six weeks into the book (including the three introductory chapters) and it has just been such a joy to watch people open up. Last week a grandmother who is raising her two grandsons (age 10 and 12) who are also in the group, said, “I never really felt like I belonged in that western world, the eastern viewpoint makes so much more sense to me. Then another person in the group responded, “It not only makes more sense, it changes everything.” That led to an interesting discussion about what it changes.
In my devotional life I am reading and pondering your thoughts from Naked Spirituality. This week I have been reflecting on your thoughts “deep down inside me I had an enemy, not a friend.” I find that it is so much easier to release others into the life that God has for them, than it is for me to do so for myself. I have been struggling here for a long time. This week for the first time I feel like I at least have something to grab onto that could liberate me from the prison I often feel like I am in.
I know writing is hard work and hours of labor, but in our group and in my life change is happening. Thank you so much.