Countdown Day 62

As you’ve been able to tell from previous quotes, the image of pregnancy figures quite strongly in A New Kind of Christianity.

Giving birth, any mother will tell you, is no Sunday school picnic. So we’d better get realistic about the obstacles we face. (13)

From A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith (available February 9, 2010)
If any female bloggers would like to open up some discussion on what pregnancy and birth have taught them about the spiritual life, Christian leadership, and giving birth to a new kind of Christianity, let me know and I’ll include links here.
Pregnancy is about producing the next generation, so you might think in terms of Christian Faith: The Next Generation. In fact, you could make a whole set of analogies around Captain Kirk and … actually, that’s just what my friend the late Stanley Grenz explored, as you can see here.