Countdown Day 19

There are two ways to read the Bible, frontwards and backwards…. If we locate Jesus primarily in light of the story that has unfolded since his time on earth, we will understand him in one way. But if we see him emerging from within a story that had been unfolding through his ancestors, and if we primarily locate him in that story, we might understand him in a very different way. (36-37)

From A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith (available February 9, 2010)
“A New Kind of Christianity is a stellar accomplishment, a combination of hard tack fact and unfettered hope, an overview in delightful narrative of the long way of our coming to this time and of the multiform ways of our arriving. In every way, a dispatch from the front.” (-Phyllis Tickle, author of The Great Emergence )