Back from Wild Goose …
The Wild Goose Festival hatched last year, fledged this year, and promises to fly high in the future. I just got back from five amazing days in North Carolina, enjoying unbelievable music (including Rev. Vince Anderson, Phil Madeira, Gungor, Over the Rhine … ), brilliant speakers and poets (including Frank Schaeffer, Phyllis Tickle, Rev. Dr. William Barber, Peter Majendie …), a new conversation every three steps with an old or new friend … and (to my surprise) lots and lots of jubilant kids who were having the time of their lives, so glad their parents chose to flock with the Wild Goose.
If you’re feeling bad for missing it, 31 Aug – 1 Sep you can come to Oregon for Wild Goose West. I’ll be there … here’s a taste.
Thanks to all who participated, planned, gave, served, fed, and supported the second migration of Wild Goose. I think this gathering has an important role to play as we migrate into the future, focused on spirituality, justice, art, and music.