At Church Yesterday …
… we used a confession of sin that resonated with me very deeply. I’ve expanded and adapted it a bit below. It has obvious connections to the fourth word/practice in Naked Spirituality. By the way, if you haven’t checked out the site, you’ll see that some beautiful songs and other liturgical resources have already been added there. Thanks to all who have added things – especially Sara Kay for her gorgeous songs. I hope many more of you – songwriters, poets, liturgists, artists, dramatists – will add resources and links too.
Leader: Living God, like the prodigal son,
People: We have run away from our true home in you.
L: Like the older brother,
P: We have held ourselves aloof from those we consider unacceptable.
L: Like James and John,
P: We have slept through others’ sorrow.
L: Like Peter,
P: We have boasted of our fidelity, and then denied and betrayed you.
L: Like Pilate,
P: We have asked what truth is, without truly wanting to know.
L: Like nine of the ten lepers you healed,
P: We have been blessed but have not been thankful.
L: And yet, as with the woman at the well,
P: You give us living water in the heat of the day.
L: As with the man born blind,
P: You open our eyes.
L: As with Simon the Pharisee,
P: You teach us the wideness of your mercy.
L: As at the wedding of Cana in Galilee,
Y: You turn our water into wine.
L: As with the disciples,
P: You wash our feet.
L: As with the rebel hanging near you,
P: You promise us paradise.
L: As with Peter,
P: You restore us in your love and reinstate us in your mission.
L: As you did for those gathered in the upper room at Pentecost,
P: Your pour out upon us all the gracious Holy Spirit.
L: And so, O Lord,
P: We open our hearts to receive your grace and be transformed by your invincible love. Amen.