A retired pastor on Do I Stay Christian?

A retired pastor writes:
I know there is no way you can read all the emails and communications you receive, much less respond to them. I just wanted to take a moment and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your latest book, which I just finished – Do I Stay Christian? I am a retired Mainline Protestant pastor, having served actively for 35 years and now filling in at various congregations from time to time. I have known for some time that the “old way” of being Christian is simply not working. I so love and respect young people who just cannot “do church” any more and you really helped me understand them even better! I only wish I could have done more in my active ministry to help others “see.” But thanks be to God there are modern prophets like yourself (and I mean that sincerely), who are helping us to “see.” You are a needed and important voice for all of us who want to be more fully human in following and embodying Jesus in hopes of reflecting this way to the world!

The grace and peace of our Lord be with you, and thanks again for your kindness, your grace, and great wisdom!

Thanks for these kind and encouraging words! For folks who would like to read the new book, here’s a link: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250853035/doistaychristian