A reader writes: I’ve been looking for this most of my life …

A reader writes:
Thank you for agreeing to meet with the Zoom Book Club in 2021 … who were discussing your book ‘Faith After Doubt’. Since that evening when you mentioned the Center for Action and Contemplation we began to receive the Daily Meditations from them. I have participated in two of their courses (one with my husband who was also part of the book club) and I will embark on my third, next month.
Having been involved in Catholic Charismatic Renewal shortly after finishing my teacher training in the late 70s and gaining a Masters Degree in Applied Theology from a college nearby I have been continuing my journey of transformation. However, it has often been held up or diverted by my childhood experiences of trauma which played out in my adult life. Recently some of the daily meditations have featured the work of James Finley and I’ve made a bold decision to participate in his course Mystical Sobriety.
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to read Faith After Doubt and some of your other books including the latest one, Do I Stay Christian? I als find your podcast Learning How to See, extremely helpful.
Thank you once again for opening me up to a new kind of Christianity – I feel I have been looking for this most of my life.
I’m so glad these resources have been helpful. For folks interested in resources you mentioned, I added links above.
I know you would also very much value Jim Finley’s new memoir, The Healing Path.