A reader writes: Can you do your part to amplify?
A reader writes:
I’m writing to you because as an activist you have significant social capital and I’m frustrated that the most beautiful, tragic, and important story of the year is being largely overlooked. As you’re probably aware, last week three men stepped in to protect two young Muslim women from the xenophobic rantings of a bigot and got stabbed. Two died. The more details I read, the more touched I am. For one, the last words of Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche were “Tell everyone on this train I love them.” And then there’s the fact that the survivor is autistic. This is especially touching to me as a father of a disabled daughter. The stereotype of people with autism is that they lack empathy. But he risked his life to help those young women.
I feel like under the former administration, this would have been a huge story. It would have been an opportunity to show what America really means. It would have been used as a way to build bridges with the Muslim world. It would have been an opportunity to celebrate the courage of a disabled man. I really wish there was a rallying cry like there was after the Charlie Hebdo killings. Can you do your part to amplify this story?
Thanks. I can’t think of a better way to amplify this story than to share your beautiful note. I agree. Thank God for these three heroes. They represent America at its greatest.