A reader in Scotland writes: beautiful tears
A reader writes:
I cannot tell you just how much your writing means to me – and has done for several years now. I could go on. I shall not.
All I wish to share with you is that your latest book, Why did Jesus . . . Just moved me spontaneously to tears. Good tears. Beautiful tears. That moment you were hugged by the Imam after 9/11 and a new friendship began; it was such a moment of precious loving, compassionate, hospitable humanity.
Surely, surely this is what all our faiths are about – loving one another in our oneness.
Thanks for these encouraging words. I’m nearing the end of my US book tour, and so many people are sharing their own stories like these – of friendships that “break down the dividing walls of hostility.” God’s love, working through compassionate people, is weaving and mending the fabric of human-kind that is so easily torn by fear, prejudice, ignorance, and hostility. (BTW – I’ll be in the UK 27 Nov – 6 Dec.)