A Plea for Mentors

A reader writes

I wrote you some months ago and you wrote back…Amazing. I felt from another planet living in Birmingham, Alabama, attending a church where I was sort of their “token liberal”…ha! I wrote about my journey and how after reading and listening to you and other writers, my journey has taken some new and wonderful new turns, but alienated me at the same time. I got very desperate with the Lord and asked to find a conversation here in [my city]. One early morning search I found a number of a cohort here and called the number. I had my first conversation in what I thought was the language I’d never hear spoken in person. I’ve been attending a small fellowship of people who read many of the same books and embrace some of the same new thoughts. It has still alienated me more from some, but opened a world for me I didn’t think existed anywhere except in books or on the Internet.
Last evening my husband and I attended a cohort meeting of quite an amazing variety of people. We were some of the older ones, but had much the same “story”. One thing that broke my heart was hearing the desperation of some who have lost faith in what they have known to be spiritual, but have not been able to find a way to what can give life and peace. Last night as well I listened to a podcast where you reviewed “Naked Spirituality”. You talked about how mentors helped you through these times and how some haven’t made it. As I listened last evening I heard so much cries for help and people openly admitting they were lost and sinking. I just wondered if you could ever come this way to speak. The pastor and young youth leader I origianlly met, assurred me there are hundreds of people who feel the same. We are in desperate need of visitation. My original contact was xxx I found him originally asking Google for Emergent Cohorts here… Thanks again and God bless

Thanks for this note. I’m glad you offer the shout-out for cohorts. It really makes a difference to find some folks to share your journey with. People interested in cohorts can check out http://emergentvillage.com/cohorts/
And as for speaking in the deep south, I’ve been spending a lot of time speaking there lately (in addition to living in the deep south now). Next week I’ll be in Mobile, AL. And then I’ll be with the Broward County, FL, emergent cohort December 4. For information, check out http://www.brianmclaren.net/archives/schedule/current-schedul/