Brian’s overview of the Bible is available as a podcast series here …
Brian served as the founding pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church from 1982-2006. You can listen to streaming audio of some of his sermons here. Scroll down and look for his name on the right hand side.
Brian spoke at the National Cathedral on February 17th, 2008. His message was entitled “Everything Must Change: The Radical Meaning of the Kingdom of God for Today’s World.” You can watch, listen, or download this Sunday Forum.
February 1st, 2008. Interview with NPR in Charlotte, NC. (Scroll down to February 1st.)
Emergent Village podcast with Brian McLaren and Karen Sloan. May 18th, 2007
Brian McLaren on Hope and Obstacles. This is the opening presentation of the 2007 Emergent Mainline conference at Columbia Theological Seminary.
January 2006. Part 1 Interview on Bleeding Purple Podcast and Part 2. By Leif Hansen of Bleeding Purple Blog.
Brian McLaren Speaks About a Christian Response to War. Emergent Village Podcast, August 12th, 2006.
Brian’s Closing Address at the Emergent Conference in 2003. Emergent Village Podcast, September 2nd, 2003.
The Work of the People have three collections of Brian speaking about Justic, Power, & the Kingdom, The Worship Industry, and Jesus and the Kingdom. You can watch the streaming videos online for free or purchase the clips through their website.
Videos of Brain Reading excerpts from Everything Must Change on youtube
Reading 1: June 29, 2007
Reading 2: July 17, 2007
Reading 3: July 28th, 2007
Here on Earth radio broadcast What Would Jesus Drive?