Writing every spare minute …

I’m deep into revisions for A New Kind of Christianity, due out next March, and I’m feeling “in the zone.” The first draft is done, but I revise first drafts like Chuck Norris unleashes roundhouse kicks, so the really intense work is underway.
Speaking of writing … Samir Selmanovic has an amazing book coming out this fall with Jossey-Bass. I just finished reading the manuscript. I laughed out loud near the beginning and shed some tears at the end. (When you read the story of his parents coming to church, you’ll know why, but it won’t be for the reasons you’re now guessing it will.) It’s a powerful, needed, and brilliantly-written book.
I spent Monday through Wednesday at the Sojourners mobilization in DC. What a great group of people came together there! Jim Wallis never ceases to amaze me with his ability to articulate the biblical call to social justice, and to discern the times. I think you’ll appreciate this brief video interview here. There were tremendous lectures and workshops – Rich Stearns of World Vision and Bishop Mark Hanson of the ELCA were sparkling, and of course Rev. Freddy Haynes takes the term “preachin'” to a whole new level.
This weekend I’ll be in Portland, Maine, then next week in Dominican Republic, then in Portland, Oregon for my youngest daughter’s college graduation. I can’t wait to see her and celebrate with her. Then I go to Korea with Youth Specialties and then to Atlanta later in May. But you can bet that every spare minute I’ll be writing. If you think of it, say a prayer for me … to be well-guided, appropriately bold, and appropriately understated.