Would you please join me …

Back in 2009, in the face of rising Islamophobic rhetoric (especially disturbing rhetoric coming from my fellow Christians), I felt the Spirit calling me to express my solidarity for my Muslim friends by participating in the Ramadan fast. It was a profound spiritual challenge and a meaningful experience on many levels, which you can read about here.
Because of my 2009 experience I was especially moved when I heard the story of Dr. Larycia Hawkins who engaged in a similar prophetic action late last year, in deciding to wear a hijab as a professor at an Evangelical college in Chicago.
And that’s why I ask you to …
Join #AuburnFellows to stand w/ Dr. @LaryciaHawkins & call on @WheatonCollege to #ReinstateDocHawk: http://bit.ly/1SOEzyS
Would you please join me and the Auburn Senior Fellows in signing this Groundswell Petition calling on President Ryken at Wheaton College to reinstate Prof. Hawkins, the first tenured African American woman at Wheaton since 1860, and the only full-time African American woman on the faculty? During a time of anti-Muslim rhetoric and violence in our country, Professor Hawkins demonstrated moral courage by standing in embodied solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers. Now we stand with her. ‪#‎ReinstateDocHawk‬