We Make the Road by Walking – more help for pastors, teachers, and group leaders
Churches around the world have used We Make the Road by Walking for a year-long overview of the whole Bible – from a fresh perspective. Together with many helpful readers, we’ve amassed a lot of excellent resources to help in making the book useful.
A Dutch reader, Hanny Rohm, wanted to be able to find where in the book specific Scripture passages were discussed. Hanny decided to create such a list. Here it is (in Dutch, but it’s easy to translate). The number in parentheses is the page number from the Dutch edition. Other editions may vary slightly.
We make the road by walking (Brian McLaren)
Genesis 1:1-2:3 (33), 2:4-25 (8), 3:1-13 (18), 4:1-17 (23), 6:5-8 (23), 7:1-5 (23), 8:1 (23), 9:7-17 (23), 12:1-9 (29), 18:9-33 (33), 22:1-14 (33), 32:22-33-11 (38), 50:15-21 (38)
Exodus 1:1-14 (43), 3:1-15 (43), 20:1-21 (49) /// Leviticus /// Numeri /// Deuteronomium 7:1-11 (55), 15:1-11 (234) /// Jozua /// Richteren /// Ruth /// 1 Samuel ///
2 Samuel 11:26-12:15 (118) /// 1 Koningen 3 (106) /// 2 Koningen 2:1-15 (61) 1 Kronieken /// Ezra /// Nehemia /// Esther /// Job 10 (199) /// Psalmen 8 (8), 19 (3), 22 (194), 23 (61), 25 (216), 33 (18), 34:1-18 (92), 51 (23), 77 (199), 88 (199), 90 (305), 98 (300), 103 (223), 116 (259), 117 (101), 122 (183), 126 (310), 133 (210), 137:1-9 (55), 145: 1-16 (13), 146 (228), 149 (55) /// Spreuken 3:1-26 (124), 4 (271), 8:1-36 (13, 277) /// Prediker 1:1-11 (199) /// Hooglied /// Jesaja 1:1-2:5 (67), 7:14 (82), 9:2-7 (82), 40:9-11 (77), 40:27-31 (239), 42:1-9+53 (141), 60:1-3 (97), 61:1-4 (112) /// Jeremia 31:31-34 (124), 32:31-35 (87) /// Klaagliederen /// Ezechiel 34 (130), 37:1-14 (205) /// Daniel 7:9-28 (77) /// Hosea /// Joel /// Amos /// Obadja /// Jona 4 (135) /// Micha 5:2-5a (87), 17:19-34 (33) /// Nahum /// Habakuk /// Sefanja /// Haggai /// Zacharia 9:9-10 (183) /// Maleachi
Mattheus 1:1-17 (92), 1:18-2:15 (87), 2:1-12 (101), 5:1-16 (157), 5:17-48 (162), 6:1-18 (168), 6:19-7:12 (173), & 6:25-34 (3), 7:13-29 (178), 9:10-17 (67), 10:16-20 (228), 11:28-30 (228), 15:21-39 (55), 16:13-17:9 (141), 22:34-40 (49), 23:1-12 (283), 25:31-40 (38, 135), 28:16-20 (228) /// Markus 1:21-28 (118), 2:1-19 (147), 3:1-6 (8), 4:1-34 (124), 11:15-19 (29) /// Lukas 1:5-55 (82), 1:67-79 (77), 2:8-20 (92), 2:25-32 (101), 2:39-3:14 (107), 3:21-22 (107), 4:11-30 (112), 5:1-11 (112), 5:17-32 (130), 10:1-11, 17-20 (216), 10:25-37 (38), 15:11-32 (316), 16:19-31 (135), 18:15-19:9 (130), 19:29-46 (183), 20:27-38 (305), 22:39-23:56 (194), 24:1-32 (205) /// Johannes 1:1-17 (13) & 1:1-5, 9-10 (97), 2:1-12 (118), 3:1-21 (249) & 3:19-21 (92), 8:1-11 (43), 8:12 (97), 9:5 (97), 12:35-36, 46 (97), 13-17 (188), 13:1-15 (283), 14:15-18, 25-27 (300), 15:1-8 (254), 15:26-27 (300), 16:33 (300), 17:1-23 (277), 20 (210), 21:1-15 (216) /// Handelingen 1:1-11 (61), 2:41-47 (222 & 249), 4:1-31 (294), 8:26-40 (210), 9:1-25 (239), 10 (265), 16:11-40 (228), 17:19-34 (33) /// Romeinen 15:1-13 (67), 6:1-14 (249), 8:31-39 (316), 12:1-2 (82), 12:3-21 (271) /// 1 Korinthiers 3:9-15 (300), 14:26-31 (222), 13 (265), 15:20-28 (300), 15:50-58 (316) /// 2 Korinthiers 6:1-10 (239), 8:1-15 (234) & 8:1-17 (259), 11:22-33 (239) /// Galaten 3:6-9 (29), 3:19-4:7 (254), 5:1 & 13-15 (43) & 5:1 & 23-26 (254) /// Efeziers 3:14-21 (259), 4:1-16 (277), 5:15-6:9 (288), 6:10-20 (294) /// Filippenzen 1:20-30 (305), 2:1-11 (283) & 2:3-11 (18), 3:12-14 (intro XIV) /// Kolossenzen 1:9-29 (205), 2:6-7 (254), 3:1-17 (254) & 3:12-17 (222) /// 1 Tessalonicenzen 5:1-11 (294) ///
2 Tessalonicenzen /// 1 Timotheus 4:6-16 (106), 6:3-19 (234) /// 2 Timotheus 1:1-14 (294), 2:1-9 (112) /// Titus /// Filemon 1:8-19 (288) /// Hebreeen 10:1-18 (49), 11:1-8 (147), 13:1-8 (288) /// Jakobus 1:2-8 (271), 3:13-18 (271), 4:1-8 (23), 5:1-6 (288) /// 1 Petrus /// 2 Petrus /// 1 Johannes 1:1-2:6 (147) /// 2 Johannes /// 3 Johannes /// Judas /// Openbaring 1:9-19 (310), 19:11-16 (310), 21:1-8 (310), 22:16-21 (310)